Welcome to Mosta, a town steeped in history and intrigue. Today, you embark on a thrilling adventure that will transport you back to the dramatic events of 1943 during World War II. As brave resistance fighters, your mission is to follow a series of clues scattered throughout Mosta's historic town core, uncovering secrets and solving puzzles along the way.

Your journey begins at the Mosta Dome, an iconic landmark that miraculously survived a direct hit during an air raid in April 1942. Here, you will find your first clue, concealed among the echoes of the past. Study the architecture, immerse yourself in the atmosphere, and let the clues guide you to your next destination.

Are you ready to embark on this thrilling Clueo scavenger hunt and rewrite history? Gather your team, sharpen your minds, and let the adventure begin in Mosta, Malta's historic town core!

Mosta Dome

Starting Location

180 Minutes



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